Saturday, November 27, 2010

Affair of the Heart

I'm sure that you have heard on the news of the miners that were killed in New Zealand.  I don't know about you, but when I hear things that that, I feel so powerless to do anything.


I have recently had three people that I have gifted quilts to thank me...thank me for doing something that is such a pleasure to me and such a blessing to them; a comfort, a knowledge that someone is thinking of them and that someone cares about them.

There is a lady in New Zealand who is collecting 6" heart blocks to put into quilts to present to the families.

So, if you have some time, take a few minutes this holiday season and give to total strangers.

Here is the link to her blog with her address.

And here are the blocks that I did this morning when I got up.

1 comment:

LesQuilts said...

Hi Tamara!
I copied your pics to my blog post, hope is ok? Needed a quick pic.
Thanks, Leslie.


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