Sunday, November 28, 2010

Stash Report -- November 28

Well, I'm still using up stash, but most of it doesn't count because the quilt isn't finished, or I'm using stash that I bought for a specific purpose (like for all my pillowcases).

I finished a pillowcase and gave it to my hubby, plus I finished a couple others as well.  Most of the people on my Christmas list are getting nice fuzzy warm flannel pillowcases and I'm getting quite a pile.

I used up a bit of stash on Block 2 of the Layer Cake Quilt Along.  There's still time to join us if you like!

I used up QUITE a bit in the first clue of Roll, Roll, Cotton Boll, but I haven't been counting stash as out of my stash until the quilt is bound.  (I think I'm going to change that next year, lol.)

I finished a little quilt top that Cherie helped me name "Pink Lemonade."  That was for my Quilter's Academy adventure.  :-)  Again, it's only the top, so I'm not counting that yet.

I'll just have to wait for some finishes, but they'll come soon enough.

The only fabric that I'll count out this week is the fabric from the blocks I made for the families of the miners in New Zealand.

Shirley Goodwin from dyeing2design is collecting heart blocks to put into quilts for the families of the miners who were killed in New Zealand.

I don't know about you, but I always feel so helpless when a tragedy occurs, and this is a way for me to feel useful, so if you have a few extra minutes, please visit her site and think about whether you could make one or more blocks to send "down under."

So, here are my numbers:
Fabric in: 0 yards
Fabric out: .33 yards
Total fabric in: 40.08 yards
Total fabric out: 104.21 yards
Total fabric used: 64.13 yards
How did you do this week?  Make sure and visit Judy to find out how everyone else did.


Kimberly said...

What a nice thing to do, making blocks for quilts for the miner's families. What a tragedy.

Kate said...

Very pretty heart blocks for a good cause!

I'd get really frustrated if I waited till I finished something before I counted the fabric out of my stash. How do you think you'll count fabric usage next year? I count mine once the fabric is sewn into a block, that means I have some progress every week. I think some people count it when they cut the fabric. Which is probably the most accurate. But I feel like the fabric should be actually sewn into something to count. Well, any way I count it I'm not going to outdo Judy!

Jo said...

Like you, I don't count it until I am finished. I think it helps me not get a stack of unfinished quilt tops. Somedays it makes it look like I didn't accomplish anything though.

Anonymous said...

agreed, i count mine out when it's cut. if i didn't do it that way, i'd loose all track of what's cut and what's not, because i often alter the patterns i'm making.

Kathie said...

sounds like you have had a busy week.

Katie Z. said...

I thought about changing when I count fabric as "out," but then I realized I probably wouldn't feel an urge to FINISH things if I counted the fabric out when I cut it!

SpinningStar said...

The heart blocks are very nice - and a good thing to do.

I measure stash usage when I cut because that's the easist to track for me as well as it's committed to a project. But, I agree that it makes it easier to create WIPs that take forever to get finished.


Vicky said...

I count mine, too, when it's cut. Don't know that that's the best way, but it works for me. Love your heart blocks. What a sweet thing for you to do!

Charlene S said...

Counting that way makes for small numbers with big jumps when you finally get something quilted, labeled and bound. It does feel like you go for months w/o progress even though you are slaving away. Yet if I didn't do it this way I would get mixed up as to what was counted and what wasn't.Keep at it.

Jennifer said...

Good week and lots more to come it looks like!


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